The P11D Organiser features a comprehensive Reports Wizard which allows you to tailor how you want to get information out of the system. There are many report types each containing different sorts of valuable information ranging from employee data to data about the benefits and many more.

Selecting a report

To get started with reporting simply go to File -> Reports Wizard in the top left corner of the Organiser. Alternatively, click on the printer icon that is located in the left-hand side column of the Organiser.

From there, depending on the type of information you want out of the system select the report category that you want and then the actual report, then simply hit Next. In the P11D Organiser there are 7 categories of reports. Each of those categories contain a number of reports that are specific for that particular report. The 7 report categories are:

  1. Employee
  2. Benefit
  3. Periodic
  4. Fleet
  5. Employer
  6. HMRC Amendments
  7. Draft

For a more detailed list of available reports please refer to our P11D Organiser Functional Specification.

Choosing a scope

The next step will be to select the scope of people for which you want to create the report. There are 4 types of scope to choose from:

  1. This Employee
  2. This Lookup
  3. This Employer
  4. Everybody

Depending on how many people you want to create the report for will determine which one of those options you will select. Certain reports will have some of these scopes unavailable as they are not relevant to that particular report.

Selecting reporting method

Once you have selected which report you want to output as well as the scope, you will be presented with the choice of how you want to output your desired report. There are 4 ways a report can be previewed. The options are:

  1. Preview
  2. Printer
  3. Save to file
  4. Email
  5. Publish to individual files (Only for employee, Amendments and Draft)

There is a slight difference between using Save to file and Publish to individual files. When saving reports to file which are associated with the employee, the system will bulk those reports into one PDF file. Whereas “Publish to individual files” will save each of the reports as an individual PDF file.

Filters and lookups

One of the most used scopes in the Reports Wizard is This Lookup. It allows you to use refined criteria for the employees which you want to create a report for. Those lookups can be created using what’s called Filters. You can find these by navigating to the top left corner of the screen and clicking on the icon shown below.

When in the Setup Filter screen you will be greeted with a wide range of different lookup filters. Simply pick which filter suits your needs most and click on the Filter button.

Note that you can only select one filter at a time if you want to make a more refined filter all you have to do is go back to the filter window, select another filter to refine your lookup and select Active Lookup in the Scope field as shown below. Then, just like before hit, Filter and your list of employees will be changed to reflect what you chose.


If you wish to learn more about how filters work please refer to our article Using Filters.

Body text for highlighted report

The P11D Organiser offers you the ability to write text on the reports that are employee specific (Employee, HMRC Amendments, Draft). You can access it by selecting the report method you wish to proceed with and pressing 'Next'. 

In the following window click on the yellow notepad icon at the bottom left corner.

The notes are report specific which means that the notes that you save will only appear for the selected report. If you want the text to appear for multiple reports you will have to copy the text, select the desired report, and paste the text in. You can also save the report text for multiple companies, if you have them, by clicking the button labelled A.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Body text for email

Similarly to the way you can write body text for the reports, the P11D Organiser also allows you to create body text for the emails that you will be sending out to the employees. In order to access the feature simply click on the envelope marked with a plus sign as shown below.

Just like in the previous notes section, what you write and save will be specific to the report that you have chosen. The body text in report emails utilises HTML which means that you will be able to customise what you have written just like any other email. Once again if you would like to save the template that you have created simply click the A button.