Below is a list of common online filing error codes and the HMRC recommended solutions :

Error CodeErrorMandatory / Optional / ConditionalSolution
System Failure - The submission of this document has failed due to an internal system error.

This is an issue with the Government Gateway server. To resolve this, either wait and try again later or contact HMRC.

More information may be found here

The submitted XML document either failed to validate against the GovTalk schema for this

class of document or its body was badly formed.

There are invalid characters such as spaces in the submission credentials - the telephone number or contact name.

If you receive this message edit your contact details.

  • The telephone number cannot contain letters, such as 'ext'.
  • The contact name cannot contain numbers or characters such as '-'.
1002Authentication Failure
Check credentials
1020The submitted document contains an entry for CorrelationID, which is a reserved system field. This field should be left empty
Please contact your software supplier.
1035The submitted document contains an invalid entry for CorrelationID. If the Function field contains the value delete, then the CorrelationID field must be populated. 
Please contact your software supplier.
1038The submitted document contains an invalid entry for StartDate and/or StartTime. StartDate and StartTime must precede EndDate and/or EndTime.
Please contact your software supplier.
1039The submitted document contains an invalid entry for any one of the following fields StartDate, StartTime, EndDate or EndTime
Please contact your software supplier.
1040The submitted document contains an inconsistent value entry for the specified method
Please contact your software supplier.
1042The submitted document does not contain a populated Body
Please contact your software supplier.
1046Authentication errorMandatory
  • Check the Online filing settings: Username and Password are correct.
  • PAYE Reference and Tax district number need to be checked. The tax district number may have been entered ahead of the PAYE reference, if so, it needs to be removed.
1047MD5 is not supported
Please contact your software supplier

In the P11D Organiser ensure you are in a current year (20xx/xx or later) to ensure old MD5 hashing is not used in the check.
2000The Transaction Engine could not locate a record for the supplied correlation ID: the submission may have been deleted or the correlation ID may be invalid. If you have not received a response you should resubmit the document
Please contact your software supplier.

2001The document exceeds the maximum permitted size
Please contact your software supplier to discuss submission volume
2002The document does not contain the minimum required data
Please contact your software supplier.
2005The Transaction Engine has not received an acknowledgement of your submission from the back-end system within the permitted timescale. Either resubmit or contact the appropriate organisation directly to determine if your submission has been accepted.
Please contact your software supplier.

3000The processing of your document submission failed. Please re-submit  
Re-try submission
3001The submission of this document has failed due to departmental specific business logic in the Body element.  
Please refer to text and label referred to that failed business logic. If you are not sure where this error occurs, please raised a support request.
5012 – Invalid Format

7520 –
No DOB & No NINO Entered
Date of birthConditional
(not needed unless NINO missing)
  • Only use genuine dates (avoid 30 February, for example)
  • Do not use dates in the future
  • If NINO is present and correct then you can delete the Date of Birth entry, if you have an error here
5012 –
Invalid NINO – FormatOptional (should be present if known)
  • If the NINO is not known, do not enter anything in the NINO field and instead make an entry in the date of birth, gender and payroll number fields
  • Format must be 2 letters, 6 numbers, followed by 1 letter or a space
5012 –
Invalid Format
Employee’s Address – leading spaces and punctuationOptional
(unless other address lines present)

Employee’s address is not essential, delete if you have errors in this field.

5012Employee’s postcodeOptional
  • Employee’s postcode is not essential, delete if you have errors in this field.
  • Do not exceed 8 characters for the postcode.
  • Try not to include unnecessary punctuation such as a full stop or hyphen in a postcode
5012 –
Invalid Format

5016 –
Entry Required
Forename field – incorrect charactersMandatory
  • Only use A-Z upper or lower case, hyphen or apostrophe
  • Do not enter a full stop, comma, underscore, brackets, slash, numbers (including 0), an asterisk (*) or question mark (?)
  • Do not use character ` for an apostrophe, use ’.
  • For 5016; employee needs a NINO or payroll number if missing.
5012 –
Entry Required
Surname field - incorrect charactersMandatory
  • Only use A-Z upper or lower case, numbers 0-9, comma, full stop, forward slash, ampersand (&), hyphen, space, apostrophe and brackets
  • The first character must be a letter
  • Do not leave leading or trailing spaces
  • Do not enter an asterisk (*) or use ‘0’ (zero) in place of ‘O’
  • Do not use character ` for an apostrophe, use ’. For example, ‘O’Connor’ not ‘O`Connor’.
5012 –
Entry Required
Vehicle Make or Model - incorrect charactersMandatory
  • Only use A-Z upper or lower case, numbers 0-9, comma, full stop, forward slash, ampersand (&), hyphen, space, apostrophe and brackets
  • The first character must be a letter
  • Do not leave leading or trailing spaces
  • Do not enter an asterisk (*) or use ‘0’ (zero) in place of ‘O’
5016An element exists, but it has no entry within it.MandatoryEntry required

For certain fields, a more specific error message is generated.

6010Incorrect formatMandatory

When a 6010 error is thrown, the error locator will be as per a 5012 error locator. (See above)

7130Works/ Payroll NoOptional

Not essential, delete if you have errors in this field

7540Invalid NINO – ContentsOptional (should be present if known)
  • If the NINO is not known, do not enter anything in the NINO field and instead make an entry in the date of birth, gender and payroll number fields
  • Use an acceptable NINO prefix (see list below)
  • Use a valid suffix - A, B, C, D or space.
  • Valid NINO prefixes:
    AA, AB, AE, AH, AK, AL, AM, AP, AR, AS, AT, AW, AX, AY, AZ, BA, BB, BE, BH, BK, BL, BM, BT, CA, CB, CE, CH, CK, CL, CR, EA, EB, EE, EH, EK, EL, EM, EP, ER, ES, ET, EW, EX, EY, EZ, GY, HA, HB, HE, HH, HK, HL, HM, HP, HR, HS, HT, HW, HX, HY, HZ, JA, JB, JC, JE, JG, JH, JJ, JK, JL, JM, JN, JP, JR, JS, JT, JW, JX, JY, JZ, KA, KB, KC*, KE, KH, KK, KL, KM, KP, KR, KS, KT, KW, KX, KY, KZ, LA, LB, LE, LH, LK, LL, LM, LP, LR, LS, LT, LW, LX, LY, LZ, MA, MW, MX, NA, NB, NE, NH, NL, NM, NP, NR, NS, NW, NX, NY, NZ, OA, OB, OE, OH, OK, OL, OM, OP, OR, OS, OX, PA, PB, PC, PE, PG, PH, PJ, PK, PL, PM, PN, PP, PR, PS, PT, PW, PX, PY, RA, RB, RE, RH, RK, RM, RP, RR, RS, RT, RW, RX, RY, RZ, SA, SB, SC, SE, SG, SH, SJ, SK, SL SM, SN, SP, SR, SS, ST SW SX, SY, SZ, TA, TB, TE, TH, TK, TL, TM, TP, TR, TS, TT, TW, TX, TY, TZ, WA, WB, WE, WK, WL, WM, WP, YA, YB, YE, YH, YK, YL, YM, YP, YR, YS, YT, YW, YX, YY, YZ, ZA, ZB, ZE, ZH, ZK, ZL, ZM, ZP, ZR, ZS, ZT, ZW, ZX, ZY. 

*The National Insurance numbers with the prefix 'KC' are valid and customers receiving them should use them as normal.

If you are experiencing issues for an employee with this National Insurance number, the following steps should be taken:

  • the National Insurance number field should be left blank
  • Complete Date of Birth and Gender fields

Date of StartingOptional
  • Only use genuine dates (avoid 30 February, for example)
  • Do not use dates in the future.

Date of LeavingOptional
  • Only use genuine dates (avoid 30 February, for example)
  • Do not use dates in the future.