
The update process is 'in place' and no re-installation or setup file is required. As all users are effectively running the same version of software with a joint datastore, therefore the application is only updated once, and ALL users will be on the new version.

Checking for an Updated Version

When the P11D Organiser is launched, it checks against our licencing server for a valid licence, and then checks to see if there is an updated version of the software available - if there is a new version, the user that is logging in will be notified that a new version is available. The ability to update the software is based on the role assigned to the user that is logging in, and based on that role, two things could happen:

  1. If the user has the 'update role' assigned, they will then be taken to a screen that allows the update process to begin.
  2. If the user does not have the 'update role' assigned, they are notified to contact their system administrator to perform the update.

Any user with the role assigned or the ADMIN user can initiate the update process.

Updating To the New Version

When authorisation is given for the update to begin, the process is as follows:

  1. The new version of the application is downloaded as a 64-bit encoded XML file into the user's temp directory, from the it is reconstituted into a zip file.
  2. The file is then decompressed and saved as an executable within the main application's parent folder, and a sub-folder named UPDATEAPP.
  3. The main application is closed down and the updated version is subsequently copied over the top of the old version, by following one of the following methods (depending on security tests that are undertaken by the application):
    1. A Powershell script.
    2. The updateapp.exe.
    3. A batch file.
  4. Once copied over, the updated application is launched, and the update process completes (which may mean updating reports and/or tables).
  5. Once complete the users will be able to log in.