When people join the business, the following list of checkpoints needs to be completed by their manager and added to the respective personnel file.

Job Title of New Starter


Name of New Starter


First Day


Form Completed by







Approval of Senior Management/MD for account creation

Provision of Office Keys




Provision of Car Park Pass




Provision of VPN connection and passwords




Notification to key customers/suppliers




Notification to health scheme supplier




Notification to Accountants (payroll etc)




Collection of P45 for accountants




Provision of laptop




Provision of mobile phone




Entry to Active Directory




Creation of GSuite account




Update internal documentation




Create FreshDesk account




Create internal phone extension




Provision of company social networking passwords




Introduction to company procedures/handbook




Explanation of fire procedures




Training in backend systems




Completion of any client security procedures (CRB etc)




Inspection of driving licence/insurance